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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Snap, Crackle, Pop

I mentioned that life has been bringing it's A Game a few posts ago.
Well, you know that moment when you just snap and you've reached a point where you know you have to change something in order to get to where you need to be?
Yea, that came last night.
I took the last of it out on a bowl of ice-cream and an episode of The Office.
Then this morning I took a little time to think.
I thought of a few things I am grateful for today and they are as follows:
-The stairs at the OU stadium.
-And my ability to run them like a boss.
-The best spot at the top of the stadium that my friend showed me a few years ago. I've been going back ever since.
-Lists of all my 'big rocks' and 'little rocks' of my life
-Being able to re-prioritize those rocks
-Cherry Limeades
-The guy who danced for me while a squirrel ran between his feet. Thanks for that.
-Summer and sunshine
-Pandora. Oh, if only I could express my full love for you and your blessed music abilities.
-The fact that June is over in a day, then it will be ONE MONTH until I can submit my mission papers.
Song of the Day
Starry Night by Chris August

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Responsibility, What's That?

I think today was one of the most unproductive days I've had in a while.
To-Do List for today was
-Go for a run
-Do workout
-Clean up room & bathroom
-Do some Spanish homework
-Continue hunt for San Pel lemonade
-Deposit check
-Work at 3:30
This is what really went down
-Sleep in for a bit
-Go to friend's house
-Eat at Jimmy's Egg with friend
-See matinee showing of X Men with friend
-Work at 3:30 (only because I had to)
At least I can say I did a little bit of homework when I got off work so I didn't feel like a complete slacker.
Yay for irresponsibility!
Song of the Day
Shiftwork by Kenny Chesney feat. George Strait

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bike Riding Adventures With Staci

I used to go on bike rides with my family allllllll the time as a kid.
Then I got into running instead.
So, I was a little rusty and this is my story.
Girl decides to go on bike ride.
Girl gets bike from garage, bike is covered in cobwebs.
Bike tires are low, girl gets pump.
Bike falls on Mom's car.
Girl stands bike falls again.
Girl lays bike down, pumps up tires.
Girl wants to take phone and camera.
Bike is missing little pouch.
Girl decides to take string backpack.
String backpack nowhere to be found.
Girl decides to change into shorts with pockets.
Phone and camera don't fit in pockets.
Girl sees little camera pouch.
Phone and camera fit perfectly.
Girl hooks pouch on bike.
Girl gets helmet.
Girl hates helmet.
Girl loves life more than death so wears helmet anyways.
Girl feels like bug.
Girl sets out on bike ride.
Girl goes for a ways and turns.
Now biking head on into the wind.
Girl takes a drink stop.
Girl hits back of ankle with peddle when getting off bike.
Girl drinks.
Girl gets back on bike.
Girl has hard enough time going straight when first taking off on a bike but with the added wind it makes her almost ride into an oncoming car.
Girl dodges car.
Girl really glad she wore helmet.
Girl keeps going, and going, and going.
Girl realizes she is riding up an imaginary hill and she can smell the smoke coming off her thighs.
Girl then realizes her gear is on the highest setting.
Girl takes it down.
Girl can breathe.
Girl takes another turn.
Girl stops for a picture.
Or twelve.
Girl hits back of ankle again with peddle.
Girl takes pictures, looks around and smiles.
Girl gets back on bike.
Girl can go straight when starting out this time.
Girl is getting good at bike riding.
Girl keeps going and going.
Girl turns into neighborhood, happy for her little bike ride.
Rides into driveway.
Hits back of ankle again with peddle. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Called To Serve

"Many young women are serving missions. Many are preparing to serve. Not because they aren't married or have nothing to do, but because they have a desire to serve and are therefore called to the work. The reason so many are going is because in the next generation, Heavenly Father will be sending His priesthood army to earth and wants to send them to mothers who have been properly trained and taught in the gospel. What better 
training can a young woman have than a mission?"
-Gordon B. Hinckley

'Nuff said.

I Want To Be A Green Lantern

Yesterday turned out to be a pretty good day if I do say so myself.
I had to work in the morning and afternoon.
Thumbs down.
But, then I went out at night.
Thumbs up.
First stop was McNellie's for a Reuben.
It's on Main Street. It's wonderful. You're welcome.
Second stop was Andrew's Park for Jazz in June where some girls decided to stand right next to us with their lighted up hula hoops and give us a little side show.
After that was over, I went to see The Green Lantern with my friend Thomas.
If you haven't seen it yet, go now. Go right now.
Thomas told me the girl in it reminds him of me.
I asked him why.
He said, "Because she's so tough. You want to kiss her and kick her in the leg at the same time."

Saturday, June 25, 2011

¿Por Que?

Hey, Señor Spanish Book, I know you think you're cute and all with your vocab, and imperfect and preterit form verbs, and verbs that even change meaning, and your reflexive constructions and possessive pronouns, and your moody subjunctive. 
 I got news for you.
Does this face look like I think you're cute?

And I do not care how to 'como se dice'.
It's Saturday.
So, no.
I do not.
(Plus I don't even NEED you anymore! Turns out a Graphic Design degree only requires about 5 credits of a second language. Got that like, a year ago. Wish I would have decided on Graphic Design about a month ago, instead of yesterday. When July 31 hits, we are so over.)

Friday, June 24, 2011

What Doesn't Kill Us, Makes Us Stronger

Finally got my ice-cream fix.
Remember when I said here "bring it on" to life's challenges?
Well, it has been broughten.
It has been broughten hard.
We're talking like, hit from all sides, tag-teamed, home field advantage, the whole nine yards.
There have been days that when I pray at night I have thanked Heavenly Father for allowing the day to end and blessing me with a new one in the morning. 
I have decided that when I'm on my mission it's either going to turn me into the strongest person ever, or it's going to kill me.
Talk about refiner's fire.
I hope to go with the former though, and become the strongest person ever. 
I have learned the power of a sense of humor.

p.s. I think I have found my major!
'This week' Staci wants to major in Graphic Design.
I'm dead serious about this one though.
I think I'm going to jump on it and move forward and if it's not quite right, I'll know.

Have a good weekend everybody.

Song of the Day
Stronger by Kanye West

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cuddle Bug

Missing my puppy today.
Where are you when I desperately need someone to cuddle with?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One Sugar Daddy Please

What a glorious, glorious day!
Such a glorious day off.
Glorious, glorious.
I have decided I am not working anymore.
I'm gonna find me a sugar daddy and settle in.
Good plan right?
Now who is the lucky guy?
It's actually been kind of weird to have a day off in the middle of the week.
I keep thinking to myself, okay hurry and do this because you gotta go to work you don't.
He He.
But don't worry, I'm being semi productive and responsible by doing my Spanish homework.
Speaking of Spanish homework...
It's an online class so we have to do recordings, I guess so the teacher knows you kind of sort of a little know how to speak.
So, on Sunday I was up in my room talking Spanish into my computer.
I was killing it.
I think Nacho would be proud.
In other news, my glutes and thighs are siiiiiiiiiinging to me today.
I was getting bored of my workout routine yesterday and whenever that happens I bust out the workout DVD's and I was doing squats and lunges all over the place. 
So, what did I do today? I ran the stadium of course!
I think my legs might just crumble to the ground.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Love Nutella

My sweet tooth is going something crazy tonight.
I desperately wanted ice-cream but with my mom being lactose intolerant  ice-cream runs on slow supply in this house.
So, I settled for some Nutella on graham crackers.
Nutella was sent from the Gods, I tell you.
From the Gods.
I may or may not have just stuck my knife in the jar and licked it clean.
So, I turned on House Hunters and plopped myself on the floor.
We got our carpets cleaned yesterday and we hadn't put the house back together.
There's just something I love about sitting on the floor in an empty room.
But now the furniture is back.
Sad face.
I think my house will be empty of furniture.
Maybe just a few pillows and blankets strewn here and there.
I think I am going to snuggle up and watch a movie now.
Wanna know why?
Because I have tomorrow off and can stay up late with zero guilt.
Oh yes.

p.s like the new blog? I sure do. 

Baseball & A Quesadilla

OK, first off, people are weird.
Second, do you ever have days where you take the longest way possible to get to each of your destinations just because all you really wanna do is drive around and listen to music but you need to be somewhat productive? OK, good. Me too. Today is one of them. So much to do, sooooo little motivation. 
We'll see how this plays out. 
Last night I made plans to hang out with a friend of mine when I got off work.
When I got off I told him I was starving and needed food asap.
When I got to his house he told he peeled me an orange.
I went into the kitchen and the peel was in a million pieces and the orange looked like it had been through WWII.
I took a picture of it, but I accidentally deleted it.
It was a sight.
So cute.
And delicious. 
We were going to his little brother's base-a-ball game so, we made a pit stop at Taco Bell because Hungry Staci was on the prowl.
(Taco Bell, I know, tisk tisk.)

 I'm very animated when I order, apparently.

Ok, listen to this... we ordered a quesadilla right? Half chicken. Half steak. Because I don't like the steak and he doesn't like the chicken.
Well, the people mixed the chicken and steak in the quesadilla, like half chicken, half steak.
Yo Taco Bell, you're dumb.
We finally made it to the game and by the end of the night I had eaten: a chalupa, one piece of the quesadilla (then I realized the situation with it), a snickers, a bag of skittles, an oreo and a hot dog.
His brother's team won, by the way.
So we're moving on to the the final tourney suckaaaaas. 

Song of the Day
Freak Out by Avril Lavigne

Monday, June 20, 2011

Imma Be, Imma Be, Imma Imma Imma Imma Be

I haven't heard "Imma Be" in forever.
It came on my Zune and I had to restrain myself from dancing in the car.
I was just walking up to the public library and these two little boys were talking and one said, 
"That would be fifty two hundred (5,200)". 
The other little boy said, "That's not a number...", 
"Yes it is...", 
"No it's not..."
"Yes it is..."
"No it's not, it's five thousand two hundred."
Then when I sat down at a table this lady's phone was ringing and she was struggling to get it to turn off and this random guy pipes up and says, "Ma'am turn that phone off!!!"
Then this other lady called him a bad name and asked the phone lady if she was alright.
Good times at the public library.
Have you ever moved a mattress by yourself?
Those suckers are heavy.
We're getting our carpets cleaned this afternoon and I thought I would help my dad out and move my own mattress.
I think I ruptured a kidney or something.
So, I've been noticing lately that I've been running a little short on fuel.
I'm sure being to work at the bum crack of dawn has nothing to do with it, but still...
I feel like I've lost my fire that I had before.
There are certain events that have taken place that sucked some flames out of me, but I'm starting to come alive again and it's time to get in gear again.
In lieu of all that I am learning to prioritize and organize. 
August first is D-Day for the mission papers!
I hope everyone is having a happy Monday!
Only Ashes by Something Corporate

Sunday, June 19, 2011

What's A Dad For, Dad?

Today is Father's Day.
 I was blessed with one rockin Dad.
I know some of you may think you have the best Dad, but you are wrong.
He always listens to me even if I'm being an idiot.
He supports me.
He gives me constructive criticism.
He has a way of saying things that makes it seem not so bad, or rude, or too overbearing.
He is carazy and it's exactly where I get it from.
He used to play with me and my sister allllllllll the time. 
He scares away all the boys I don't want bothering me.
He even scares away some that I do want bothering me.
He is the masta of the grill.
He has a wife, two daughters and had a female dog, he's a man's man.
He is sohooooooo patient.
He does things for his family without complaint or thought of anything in return.
He does way more for me than I deserve.
He has taught me so much of how I want to be, and also what I want in a future husband.
He laughs at all my weird jokes.
He (and my Mom) started saving money for my mission even before I was completely set on it.
He loves my mom and cherishes her.
He has been such a good example to me and my sister.
 We had steak and shrimp for dinner.
Yea, das riiight.
He got a new toy too!
Happy Father's Day Dad. 
I love ya!
Life of a Salesman by Yellowcard
(great Dad song)

It's Your Birthday Shout Hooray

My friend turned the big 2-0 this weekend.
The three of us went up to Bricktown for a hot girls date night.
We ate at Zio's and it was deeeeliscious
I love my girlies.
Thanks for a great night ladies.
Then Saturday was a surprise birthday party at El Chico.
I think she was pretty surprised.
Happy happy birthday, my dear friend.
Hope you had a good 20!