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Who I Am

Well, hello! My name is Staci and thank you for being here with me.
I am a lover of sunshine, Mexican food, laughter, animals and the outdoors.
I am a quote fanatic.
I think we all should have passions in life. A few of mine are photography, writing and music.
I'm a big family person. They are seriously my best friends. I love them to pieces. 
I get a lot of wild hairs. I'm constantly coming up with new ideas and new obsessions.
I will be serving an 18 month mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Riverside, California. I leave on December 7, 2011. My family will be posting e-mails from me on here while I am gone.
I've always been a thinker and a dreamer. I've always needed adventure. I've always needed a little space. 
I truly believe we can do anything we set our minds to.
I am inspired by what others do and say and I hope to spark some inspiration in you with what I do and say.