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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What I'm grateful for in 2011

  • Caffeine. Although I love and hate you all at the same time, you really did stick by my side when I needed you most. 
  • Break from school. Since I knew I would leaving for my mission about this time of year I decided to skip school this fall semester. Greatest decision of my life. Now, getting back into it when I return from my mission will be the trick.
  • New friends. There have been a couple special people come into my life and I'm forever grateful for the adventures we've shared and the things they taught me.
  • Loss. I feel like I've lost a lot this past year between just life happening and preparation for my mission. I promise there's zero bitterness or resentment in that statement. I've grown stronger because of it all. 
  • Family. Wow, this is a big one. I'll just say, 'nuff said.
  • Music. How quiet and boring life would be without music. It's always been a huge part of my heart and still is and will continue to be. I think I'll miss it the most when I'm on my mission - sorry family, but at least I get to write you once a week.
  • Riverside, California. You people don't even know what's coming ;). I can't even begin to express my gratitude for the opportunity to serve a mission. It's been one of the hardest decisions to make and stick to, but it's been so worth it. I've changed so much for the better. I know I'll absolutely fall in love with the mission once I'm out there. I can't wait for what's ahead. 
  • Dogs. Well, probably animals in general. I'm so glad I was able to work with dogs. Some days I thought I would go insane, but the dogs made my day every day. I love em!
  • Love. Love heals and I'm so grateful for the love I've received from so many people. 
  • Sister missionaries. I've been able to work with the BEST sister missionaries in my ward. I love them to pieces and I've learned so much from them. I can't wait to write them while I'm out serving my mission. 
  • Food. I just gotta throw that one in there. 
  • Finding my major. After much pondering and searching I discovered my true passion and I finally came to a decision on what to major in. Graphic Design with a minor in Photography. 
  • Showers. For some reason I've really come to love a nice warm shower. 
  • Running. My 'me-time'. I just love running. I'm looking forward to doing a lot of races when I get back from my mission.
  • Change. Whether it's changes in our lives or in ourselves; I'm grateful that I'm not in the same place or the same person. 
  • Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I would not be who I am, where I am or what I am without them. My love and gratitude cannot be put into words. 
  • Quotes. I've always loved quotes. They keep  me going and constantly inspire me.
  • New camera. I just bought a new camera yesterday. We're already best friends. 
  • My best friend in the whole entire world visiting me. She was a breath of fresh air and just what I needed.
  • My talents. That sounds weird. But, I'm grateful for being able to discover more of who I am and what I'm capable of doing. 
  • Going for drives. One day I was driving alone with the window down and one of my favorite songs playing and I thought to myself, it's moments like these that mean the most. I couldn't help but smile.
  •  Sleep. OH MY GOSH.
  • Nice people. I love a person who will smile and say hi for absolutely no reason other than they're just a nice person. 
  • Laughing. Along with love, I also believe laughing heals. I'm grateful for those who keep me laughing and I'm grateful for my ability to crack myself up. It's great. 
I've got a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. There's probably a million and one more things I could add to that list but that's all I can think of right now. I've come to appreciate the smallest, weirdest and most random things but I'm truly grateful for all that I've experienced in 2011 and the people who have been with me along the ride.

In Spirit of Thanksgiving

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