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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My last post as a 'normal' person (advice, tidbits and random thoughts by Staci)

This is it y'all.
I will be getting set apart at 8 p.m,
Spending the remainder of the night quietly at home with family,
Then heading to Utah bright and early in the morning.
I'll say that I'm nervous, but I feel a cool calmness about me.
I know this is the right thing and it's right on time.
I'm forgetting about myself and my desires for 18 months and dedicating all of me to the Lord and to the people I will have the honor of spending time with. 

My parents will be posting e-mails from me onto this blog, so this isn't the last you'll hear from me.
But, since this is my last post as a 'normal' person I want to throw some things that I've learned at you.

Forgive. People are not perfect and neither are you. They may do horrible, hurtful, stupid things but you must learn to forgive. Forgiving and letting go of the negative feelings will set you free and allow you to move on with your life. As long as you hold on to the grudge you're stuck in a rut. But, realize that you can forgive someone, but that doesn't mean they have to be a part of your every day life. There are some people we just can't have in our lives. Forgive them anyway.

 Don't set your heart on the material. Who are you without all your possessions? Who would you be if you lost everything? Setting your heart on family, friends, love, service, compassion will bring you so much more happiness than any fleeting material thing could.

Look at the stars every once and a while. It will make you realize just how huge this universe is and how little your troubles really are.

Inside is more important than outside. If you're the best dressed, best hair, best whatever, but you have no heart, no love, no compassion, no realness, nobody will care. Beauty on the outside fades over time, but beauty on the inside only gets brighter.

Love yourself. Try to look your best but once you're done getting ready in the morning don't look back. Leave thoughts of your appearance behind. Instead, focus on others. Focus on smiling at people as you walk by. Focus on saying thank you. Focus on being being a good friend. When we focus so much on ourselves we see through a magnifying glass and what we view as flaws become bigger and bigger to us. If we take a step back and focus on others those flaws become less noticeable. I believe the key to loving yourself and finding happiness with who you are is by serving others. This goes back to my thoughts about 'inside is more important than outside'. If you constantly think about your self and focusing on yourself will never be satisfied with who you are. I've come to know that when we are kind to people, smile, or try to make someone's day, we build ourselves inside which in turn shines through to the outside making us more beautiful than any makeup or clothing we could wear.

Look people in the eyes. There's an amazing thing that happens when you look people in the eyes. There's a connection. There's an understanding. For that moment you're on level ground. Do it more often.

Smile at strangers. I am amazed at how far a smile will go. It's probably one of the most contagious things on earth. People just light up when you throw a smile at them. Make both your days and smile.

Embrace change. DO IT. There are just so many better things to come. When one door closes another will always open. Don't stare too long at the closed one, because you might miss the one that has quietly opened for you.

Don't accept stress. There's really only so much you can do. Do what you can and do your best but if you get a bad grade, or your car breaks down, or you lose your job, or you get in a fight with your best friend...I promise the world will continue to go around. Instead of stressing and worrying and fretting, take control of the situation and find what the best solution is. Be proactive, not reactive.

Don't judge. Who are you to decide how a person should look, think or act? Never judge anyone because everybody has reasons for their choices. I agree that if you're too busy judging someone you have no time to love them. Try to understand rather than judge.

Dance. Any chance you get. I don't care if you're breaking it down with the waltz or you're doing it Albert Brennaman style. Get it. You'll feel a lot better I promise.

Laugh. And do it often. Laughter heals. Learn to laugh at yourself. Find humor in bad situations. Surround yourself with those who make you laugh. Watch America's Funniest Home Videos too.

There is power in positive thinking. Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right. There is always room to be positive. Believe that there's good. Believe in yourself. It makes life so much better when you have a positive outlook.

Be nice. Who likes a rude person?

Let it go. Now. Do not waste another day or ounce of energy on it.

Find your passion. This world needs those who do what they love and love what they do. Whether you want to be a rock star or a heart surgeon. Go after your passion. Commit to your dreams. Don't stop.

Exercise. There are so many other ways to exercise than going to the gym. Get up. Get out. Get moving.

Don't worry about what other people think, seriously. Don't compare yourself. We are all different. Different reasons. Different rhymes. Different seasons. Different times. Don't worry about what's going on with them. They're not you. They don't have your life.

Work hard. Nothing worth while ever ever ever comes easy. Ever. Don't be afraid to use some elbow grease.

Listen to music. I mean, really listen. Take everything in. Life would be silent and utterly colorless without music.

Be grateful. For everything. Heavenly Father gives it to you so freely. Be grateful for the breath in your lungs right now.

Serve. Your eyes will be opened. You'll get more out of it than you could ever imagine.

Be patient. Heavenly Father has His own time. He knows what He's doing and He's got it under control.

Be yourself. You will never be anyone else. There will never be another you. Embrace who you are. Love who you are. Leave your mark on this world by being yourself. This world needs what you have to offer.

Always love. Everyone deserves to be loved. Those who are the hardest to love are sometimes those that need it most. You can't control how people will treat you, but you can control how you treat them. Treat them with love. Never let a day go by without telling people that you love them by word or deed. Love breaks barriers and heals wounds. It's infectious and spreads like wild fire as we each show each other love and kindness.

Stand up for yourself. I do not believe in being rude. There are ways to tactfully and respectfully stand up for yourself. Being kind does not mean being a doormat.

It's all going to be okay. Perspective is key. Don't get too caught up in the emotion of the moment. Don't react with anger. Don't freak out if your hair won't lay right. Don't think you're a complete failure if you failed a test, or a class. Don't lose yourself in the loss of a person. Bad things happen, okay? But, the sun will rise another day. The world will continue to spin. I'm not trying to down play any bad thing that may happen. I'm just trying to say that it's all going to be okay. As we face challenges and fears we grow so much stronger. Don't shrink. Stand up to the obstacle and take on the opportunity to learn from it.

This life is amazing.
All I feel in my heart right now is gratitude for everything that I have.
I'm so excited to be on my mission finally.
The next time you'll hear from me on here will be from the mission field!
God bless.

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